My two days at the Healthier You event are over. Two full days of constant smiling. Two full days of high heels. Two full days of incessant people noise all around me. I'm glad it's over! In saying all that ... and sounding dangerously like I'm complaining, which I might actually be ... parts of the two days were very positive. For example, today I presented a workshop on Preventing Elder Abuse and Neglect that was well attended. This is a topic that is uncomfortable ... and the pictures and graphics in my PowerPoint presentation are definately uncomfortable for anyone with a caring heart to see ... but this topic needs to be discussed in public.
As is usual at any Info Fair, one is not constantly engaged in conversation while sitting at an information booth. You do a lot of smiling and nodding, but have lots of time to think while doing that. I did have my knitting with me, but forgot to take an extra skein of wool and consequently
ran out of wool to knit with just before 1 pm today. With nothing else to occupy my thoughts, I got to thinking about the ugly light fixture in my living room.

Very 70s. Multiple plastic cones hanging upside down in a cluster ... and collecting dust. Ick! I hate it! I rent this place. Although my landlady probably wouldn't mind if I replaced it, but I don't want to spend the money on anything I can't easily take with me when I move (probably next spring). For some reason, as I thought about that ugly light fixture, I kept picturing a red metal moose that I saw in our local Jysk store. The more I thought about the red metal moose ... obviously someone's cartoon idea of the real thing morphed into a mass produced art deco item $19.99 if you please ... the more I liked the idea of RED in my dark wood panelling and hohum beige carpeting living room. Besides, MOOSE is most appropriate for this town. The real thing wanders all over this area.

I'm thinking some nice new red cushions for my sofa. What else do you suppose I can find in red to liven up the place? And what is this sudden need for bright red in my space? I'll keep y'all posted ...
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