... with myself and one of our board members making a presentation about our non-profit organization to a group of individuals interested in forming a similar organization in their community. No, the ground was NOT that bare of snow while we were there! That area of our province generally has LOTS of snow. The mountain pass between here and there can be quite the adventure, so we decided to leave the driving to ...

... which was a good thing, except for our sore butts from sitting for so long! The rest of my week was very BUSY. Every time I take a couple of days out of the office, I swear it takes me twice that time to get caught up again. I still wasn't feeling quite caught up by Friday afternoon, so decided to go in today (Saturday) to finish a few things. Besides, someone needed to check on the fish. Remember when I told y'all about our inter-office custody battle over Rocco, the (MY) Betta following our office renos?
Rocco is residing in my office (where he belongs). In order to "smooth the waters" ... so to speak ... we invested in another fish tank for our reception area. Let me take this opportunity to introduce y'all to ...
... Flash theBetta and a few of his little Neon Flashers. Okay, that didn't sound so good ... his Neon Flashettes? Hmm. I'll have to think about that one some more! Flash is very small compared to Rocco, but I'm sure he'll grow ... especially with all our loving staff members lavishing attention and food on him! Oh, if you look in the hole in that rock (left side of the pic), you can see the suspicious eyeball of Sucky the Pleco peeking out. Flash spent his entire first day in our office "flaring" at Sucky ... "I'm big and dangerous and don't you dare come out from under that rock!" ... it was quite amusing.
On my way to my office today, I just HAPPENED to get off the bus a couple of stops earlier than I usually do, and so just HAPPENED to walk past my local quilt shop. (It was TOTALLY a spontaneous coincidence ... HONEST!) While there, I found a couple of fabrics to go with my bear prints ...
... one is an indigo / black geometric print, and the other a small floral dark red print. Now I just have to figure out which one will look best as the bear PAWS and bear CLAWS in the actual quilt blocks. Of course, I just HAPPENED to notice a maple leaf print ...
... that goes with my third chunk of bear print fabric. I've decided this bear print isn't going to be part of my bear paw quilt. And that's okay, because I noticed this ...
... tote pattern in a magazine, and immediately imagined it with that particular bear print. Oh, and I also picked up a piece of this fabric today ...
... a zany medieval map complete with castles and knights. I intend to make myself a zany apron out of this. I love zany aprons, and my usual supply of zany aprons has become sadly diminished.
Did y'all think I rushed home from the office and began apron sewing / tote building / bear paw quilting? I did not. I'm very particular about prewashing (thus preshrinking) fabrics before I start sewing, and I'm not allowing myself to prewash the bear paw quilt fabrics until I finish up other projects currently on the go. So did I finish any of those projects today? I did not. I sewed wacky wabbits instead.
Seemed like a fitting Saturday afternoon project for this time of year. This one is made from Easter print fabric. I made several flannel wabbits too, and they're really cuddly soft. Tomorrow I must dig through craft bins to find suitable ribbon for big floppy bows for all these wabbits.
What a nice day it was today! It was actually warm enough for me to go out in a fleece jacket. I'm SO tired of bundling into layers and layers of heavy clothes and putting on extra socks and heavy boots. My feet need to get NEKKID! BRING ON THE SANDALS! STRUT THOSE TOOTSIES!! Still too much snow and ice around for sandals though. This is my driveway:
Most sidewalks around the city still look like this:
As you can see, the snow banks are still pretty high, and will take more than one sunny day to melt away. The most well-travelled streets are bare ...
... but storm drains are still frozen, so by this afternoon, there were a lot of small oceans like this:
Of course, small oceans freeze into large skating rinks over night! Another reason to stick with the winter boots for a while yet. Is it spring in your part of the world???
Do you ever finish stuff or just buy more and more fabric? L.
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