I was playing with some fabric scraps left over from the completed BANANA PROJECT ... which I CAN'T post pictures of because BANANA does read this blog once in awhile and that would totally ruin her surprise package ... and my new sewing machine. So far, I've experimented with about six of its 70-some built-in stitches ...
... 3 or 4 of which are visible above. As I was stitching, I recalled a beautiful little dress and matching bolero I had when I was 5 or 6 years old. The hem of the dress and the edges of the bolero featured different coloured rows of fancy machine stitches ... very much like the rows of fancy machine stitches I sewed into these scrappy potholders. That dress was the most SHOCKING bright chartreuse colour ... a colour NO redhead should EVER wear, and that was part of what was so special about it ... celebrating the rebel for both me and the seamstress. The other part of what was so special was the seamstress herself. Sadly, we never celebrated Mother's Day together.
Here's the almost finished potholders on the ironing board ... 
... yes, that is FINALLY a fresh new ironing board cover! ... waiting for me to press the bias binding to the back and stitch it in place. When I grew up, NOBODY I knew had "store bought" pot holders. My female family members and their closest friends were all creative sewers and quilters, and pot holders were how they experimented with new fabric combinations, quilt block designs, and quilting patterns. While I sewed these scrappy pot holders, I recalled how two ladies I called "Auntie" competed with each other in the pot holder department. One was famous for her ZANY fabric choices, and the other for her tiny exquisite quilt block details. Besides creating interesting pot holders, those ladies maintained that "store bought" pot holders were never ample enough in size and never had enough "stuffin" to protect your hands from hot objects. I agree ... although I suspect the silicone gloves you can buy now might blow that theory out of the water. I haven't tried them yet ... I still use old-fashioned home-made pot holders with old terry toweling inside.
I wish both of my Aunties were here today so I could show them these scrappy pot holders.
Very poignant thoughts for a Mother's Day.
Since I can't show you pictures of the completed BANANA PROJECT, here's a photo of the socks I finished last night ...
... using an easy lace-rib pattern. I experimented with a different kind of heel-shaping, and it turned out rather "boxy", so I'm not sure I like it.
Doesn't really matter, because it's finally warm enough to go WITHOUT socks now. I'll go back to knitting my usual heels until after I wear these ones a bit next fall.
Do y'all have a favourite pub? I did ... until this past Friday night. Headed there for a pint after work with L., and discovered my favourite Olde English Pub had been transformed into ...
No Guinness or Kilkenny on tap! Linen tablecloths covering those lovely scarred wood pub tables! Expensive entrees instead of good tasty pub food on the menu! I was too annoyed to try their fare ... which I admit might be very good. Dammit! Now I have to find a new pub!
I'm off to watch the last part of a Star Trek DVD. Since it's election season in our province, I'm REALLY glad I don't own a television as I'm REALLY sick and tired of the negative political campaigning that's going on. I would much rather hear what each of the candidates would like to do than what their opponent has done wrong! Anyone else feel that way?
Uggh, this election campaign has been particularly painful! I can't wait to vote & get it over with ...
I dont remember pot holders in your kitchen? We made all our own stuff too but we didnt live in Canada. {o\
You didn't ask if they still served your kilkenny beer. You just got mad. Just saying. L.
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