In the process of moving out of the partially furnished basement suite I have been living in, my landlady mentioned she would like to get rid of some of the furniture rather than move it with her. Since I needed a few pieces of furniture, it seemed like a we were onto a good thing. After all, I'd been living with the stuff for a couple of years ... we were "old friends" already! This is the sturdy little love seat that had been in front of the fireplace in the basement suite ...
Although I kept it covered up with blankets, it was wearing a floral cotton cover. I'm not your floral kinda gal, and I would have bought it a new cover ages ago if it had BELONGED to me. Now that it DOES belong to me, I figured a new cover would be easy to accomplish. It was, but I also discovered this sturdy little love seat had a couple of secrets under its floral cotton skirts! First, it was hiding its true identity ...
Lime green velveteen ... it's a 70s sofa! (Matches the counter top in my new bathroom perfectly. Hmm, I wonder if I should move it into the bathroom?) But that's not the only secret! Underneath that lime green velveteen is ... a hide-a-bed! With a just-like-new mattress! I'd been thinking about buying a hide-a-bed, but wanted to hold off and see what other moving expenses were going to pop up first. No wonder this little love seat was so "sturdy"! It is now covered with ...
... a very washable practical chocolate-covered fake-suede cover. (That white box is a new end table waiting to be assembled.) For $75 plus a new cover, I think I got myself a pretty good deal. I also treated myself to this ...
... a hand-carved pine rocking chair. I love it, but it's a little hard on my tush without a cushion. I'll have to do something about that ... as soon as I finished unpacking. And I'll get busy with the unpacking as soon as I stop admiring the view from my east-facing third floor balcony ...
What a treat after living in a basement suite for the past two years!
Do i have to beg for an invite to see your new place. L.
I moved to. Well have to share mnoving stories. {oP
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