... or The Adventures Of a One-Winged Woman, Part Two ...

The arm has healed to the point of being more itchy and annoying than painful now. A few more days and I'll be saying ADIOS! to this sling, and none too soon as it has become a real PAIN IN THE NECK! Why would someone invent an arm sling with a narrow strap that digs into your neck??? Last time I wore a fabric sling, it was the folded fabric square variety, which may have been old-fashioned, but it was way more comfortable!
Several of my friends and co-workers maintain that it is useful to share living space with another human being, especially when said human being is of the human male species. I live alone, and can always come up with plenty of reasons to counter their cohabitation suggestions. For example ...

... I never have to argue with myself over leaving the toilet seat up! Or tell myself off for sprinkling outside the assigned area! And ...

... I ALWAYS get to read whatever darned part of the newspaper first that I want to read! And ...

... I ALWAYS get to lick the spoon /spatula myself when I make chocolate cake!
However, over the past two weeks, I have become excruciatingly aware of MANY things that are beyond the capabilities of a one-winged human LIVING ALONE, such as ...

... doing up / undoing zippers and buttons. THAT certainly has limited my professional work-day wardrobe choices! And don't even get my started about this one-armed inability to get into and fasten up a bra ... I've never been so acutely aware of SOUTH before! Also ...

... peeling potatoes. There is simply NO POSSIBLE WAY to accomplish that feat one-handed! I LOVE baked potato skins with lots of chives and cheese and sour cream ... but the amount of potato skins consumed out of necessity these past couple of weeks is just ... annoying! And ...

... there are OTHER IMPORTANT TASKS I've had no choice but to accomplish with my NON-DOMINANT HAND ... well ... we'll just say no more on that, alright?

Do you realize the only use I've had for knitting needles for the past two weeks has been SCRATCHING THE ITCH of my busted arm? I'm about to lapse into irreversible knitting withdrawal here!
So does all this indicate I am now advocating for cohabitation?
I am sufficiently ambidextrous to feed myself quite well ...

... made a big pot of fabulous old-fashioned hamburger soup this weekend. Yes, it was fab even with unpeeled potatoes! Couldn't knit over the weekend, but I kept myself well-entertained with another Peter King novel ...

Spiced to Death. I'm really enjoying Peter King novels. Just the right blend of mystery and food. Of course, reading about all that food made me hungry, so ...

... I had to help myself to another serving of chocolate cake. With fudge sauce. (Chocolate makes EVERYTHING better!) Which I was able to do because I didn't have to SHARE with anyone else in the first place!
I am woman! I live alone!
You look like you are coping pretty well! Hope the time flies by...
Oh no! Poor yuo! {o/
So sorry to hear about your arm, but I hear ya about living alone. I always enjoyed the heck out of it. I LOVE to be alone!! And hey, if I lived closer, judging by that soup and cake, I'd come over and visit you anytime :) That looks DEEElicious! I think I just got my idea for dinner tonight :)
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