Me too.
Wishing one and all a delightful All Hallow's Eve . . .
Welcome to my blog ... so nice of you to drop by! Make yourself at home! Coffee? Tea? So what shall we talk about today? Crafts? I particularly enjoy knitting and quilting ... how about you? The cat? My cat certainly keeps ME entertained! Perhaps we should talk about something delicious from the kitchen? I know we both love food! We could talk about being young-at-heart? Oh ... would you prefer a nice glass of Chardonnay while you're here?
That's not a cousin ...
... that's ME!
Okay, I have to confess cousins Lola Mae and Donna Lee ... and even Belle ... are all ... me. My humble apologies for toying with you! (But it was kind of fun.)
So now it's your turn to "find" some cousins. First, take a photo of yourself. That's what web cams are for ... and the scarier the photo, the better. (Make sure you catch that ugly light fixture behind your head too!)Then go to www.yearbookyourself.com and upload your photo. Line up your face in the centre of the head ... this is important, so take your time at it, otherwise you'll get really weird distortions. Or maybe weird distortions would be fun! Once you're all centred, have fun laughing at what you might have looked like in the past!
Make sure you check out yourself NOW compared to the year you were BORN ...
... or to when you GRADUATED highschool ...
Hmmm. I just have one question. Where the hell did my eyebrows go????
Now send your "cousins'" pictures to some real current kinfolk and friends so they can enjoy the laugh too!