Friday, 1 November 2013

November 1st

All Saints Day.  In case you didn't know that, check out  -- but y'all probably know that already!

It was a very quiet All Hallows Eve yesterday.  No trick or treaters - not allowed in my apartment building - and no fireworks in my neighbourhood.  Miss Boots approved of the peace!

Finally heard the dreaded "S word" (snow) in our local weather forecast ... possibly middle of next week.  Knew it was going to happen soon, but I'm really enjoying the autumn leaves and hate to see that end!

One of my most favourite fall activities ...
Scuffing through fallen leaves!
 Here's another favourite thing ...
... spotting cute little lemon yellow cars!
(I don't drive anymore, but I could have
been persuaded to drive one of these!)
 This one NOT one of my favourite things ...
... spotting these window washers going up UP UP
the side of a downtown building ... made me quite

Can you tell I don't have anything terribly new or exciting to blog about this week????

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