Friday, 14 June 2013

Friday. Hmm.

Double hmm.  Can't thank of a catchy post title!  Feeling a bit scattered ... must be TGIF! ... so this post is probably a bit scattered.  We've been INUNDATED with these creepy crawlies:

Sorry, a bit fuzzy ... it was taken with my cell phone which, of course, is a Le Cheapo model.  There are two caterpillars in the above photo, one crawling upward on the branch from the bottom left, and one crawling downward on the same branch from the top right.  They are gradually working their way through our city in the uber-quadrillions and eating every leaf off every tree and bush in their path.  Can you say bare skeleton trees?

To my surprise yesterday, I noticed new growth on some of the barest most ravaged trees!  It's a second spring!

 This has been keeping us entertained today ... it's a BIG BIKE ... a fundraiser/awareness campaign by the Heart & Stroke Foundation.  Teams of 30 volunteers are peddling it around the city all day today.  Naturally, each team tries to out-do the previous team in boisterous enthusiasm.  My office is on the "main street" now, so we get to see this kind of stuff.  It's such fun!
 Speaking of my office, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is tomorrow ... wear something purple! ... so today I've bounced between office and the information display we have at a local mall.  We will have our display there until 9 pm tonight and again all day tomorrow.  Always interesting to talk to strangers about a touchy subject (but important) like this!
 While at the mall earlier today, I noticed the above sign.  It's so true!

Have you ever read this book?  Or one of it's 4 siblings?
 It's a British "who-dunnit" set in the 1950s and told from the perspective of a very precocious motherless 11-year old with an obsession for chemistry.  If you want a light-hearted entertaining read, this is it!  A member of our book club says there is a new book out in this series, but I haven't seen it yet.

This isn't a "who-dunnit" ... it's a "what is it".  Sorry, fuzzy photo due to cheap cell phone again.  It's kind of creepy with beautiful little lavender coloured bell-shaped flowers.  Weed?  Flower? 

Well, TGIF ... hoping to do more of this over the weekend ... and you???

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