And what did I do this past week instead of packing? Made a new dust jacket for my sewing machine, of course! Poor thing was just sitting there, uncovered, begging for a new dust jacket . . . I HAD TO oblige! I made a quick pattern with newspaper and cut out 2 pieces of blue fabric for each the front, back, sides and top, which I sandwiched around some leftover bits of quilt batting. Why blue? Because that was what was on hand and already prewashed and preshrunk. Then I went a little crazy trying out different fancy stitches to quilt the layers together ...
... going in various directions, like so. And I used up a whole bunch of little bits of different colours of thread (the practical part of the project). I even experimented with widening and narrowing stitch length ...
... and created this pretty heart with a tail that tapers off to nothing. Never thought of trying that before. Finally, I added some yellow bias binding left over from another project, and some lace just because I never have anything lacy around, and voila ...
... little Brother sewing machine sports a new dust jacket. It addresses his feminine side. I think Stanley the Button Jar is a bit jealous:
Perhaps I'll make him a lacy little dust cap. His name is Stanley because he is some kind of wild critter holding a miniature Stanley Cup ... the peanut butter company must have been big on promoting hockey one year. In addition to the dust jacket, I have nearly finished the centre part of my latest cross stitch project ...

... and I'm liking these black birds more and more all the time. Besides stitching, I managed one more little stroll down memory lane as this photo ...
... fell out of a book ("The Book of Canadian Verse") as I moved it from bookcase to box. Any guesses? This is my Dad, myself, and my butterball baby daughter Necy at about age 6 weeks. The year was 1972 and I was the ripe old age of 16 and very thin. Necy is all growed up now, and the mum of a teenager. My goodness how time flies!

Believe it or not, I did succeed in getting my packing done. Here's half of my "stuff" waiting for the truck to load:
There are many more plants than that one, believe me! I'm currently sitting in an empty room, except for one chair and my computer desk, which I am going to take apart as soon as I post this. It's "echoe-ey" in here. I don't like it! Tomorrow is cleaning day, and the Big Move takes place Monday morning. However, I will be without Internet for a few days after that due to July 1 being a holiday (us Canucks celebrate Canada Day on July 1).
Next post will be from my new apartment! Happy Canada Day and July Fourth, y'all! I'll be back soon!