. . . a pickle fork. That's right, a pickle fork. $8.00. Last of the big time spenders, eh? Actually, I already own . . . they were both gifts . . . a pate knife and spoon that gets used specifically for dip or salsa in the same design. The stones on the handles are actually kind of yellow-green-amber coloured. My regular forks just don't fit down well into those narrow sweet gherkin jars, and the tines are not sharp, so those poor tiny gherkins get slightly massacred on the way up and out of the jars. Therefore . . . a new pickle fork!
Did you remember to change your clock back before you went to bed last night? I didn't. So when I THOUGHT I had slept in this morning, I actually hadn't . . . and therefore had an extra hour to sit and get caught up with Coronation Street this morning. What a treat! Normally I hate the twice annual time change. It always messes up my internal clock. I think I hate the autumn time change the most as it means going to and returning from work in the dark. Ugh! How about you?
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