Wednesday, 26 November 2008

November 26th

I just realized that Nablopomo ... or whatever the heck it's called ... is about 4 days from over. This is day 26, and I have actually ... faithfully ... posted something every single day for the past 25 days! I had no idea I had so much trivial crap ... er ... INTERESTING STUFF to blog about.

This post is not what I planned. I was going to share pix of Christmas crafts. Okay, y'all can get up off the floor now. S'true. I did say Christmas crafts. But y'all have to wait until tomorrow now. My mind is kind of full of other stuff at the moment, so that's what I'm going to blog about.

Some time back I was busy grumbling about the task of convincing other people to be so thrilled with the Christmas season that they would make generous donations toward our Christmas hampers project. I really do dislike begging for money! I'm not a happy camper when it comes to fundraising. However, this week we've been realizing the fruits of my fundraising efforts, and today in particular was a very good day.

First, a local business called to say they would sponsor not one but TWO families (families = grandparents raising grandchildren), and could we please choose LARGE families 'cuz the more kids the more fun for their staff! This is the first time my organization has done this sponsor a family thing, and I wasn't at all sure how well it was going to be accepted. The community response has been astounding so far. THEN a local retiree group arrived at my office with ...... 75 hand-sewn shopping bags filled with goodies for our elderly hamper recipients! I have to admit the generosity of this community is very touching this time of year ... even to a Scrooge like me. And THEN I was invited to a local crafters guild meeting to receive ...... a substantial cheque toward revitalizing one of our organization's most important outreach programs! This is a photo of me receiving the cheque ... and that smile is absolutely 150% genuine. And look! My broken right foot actually fits in a shoe again! Okay, the shoe is unbuckled, but don't tell anyone. I also received a fabulous little perk after that cheque presentation ...... an invitation to stick around for a craft demonstration, and the gift of a kit to make my very own Cathedral Window Pincushion. How cool is that?


Anonymous said...

Nice dress! {o)

Anonymous said...

You don't need more crafts. Stay away from there. L.